How to act in an emergency lockout situation?

It's happened to all of us. You've had something else on your mind while you're shopping, visiting restaurants, going to the movies or playground. You come back to your car, reach for your keys and -- they're not there. Did you drop them or leave them behind some place? Did someone take them? How are you going to get into your car -- or back into your house?
Most of us know the feeling of panic that rises up immediately when keys are misplaced or lost. It can be especially unnerving at night, and in bad weather. If you have children with you, a lockout situation can become nightmarish with fear not only for your own safety, but theirs.

The first thing to keep in mind is to fight down that panic sensation. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Remain calm and be patient with yourself and those around you -- don't give way to anger or blame. Just find the keys. Check every pocket, purse and shopping bag. If family members or friends are with you, make sure they do the same -- including small children. Go through strollers, carriers, supply bags, slings. You'd be surprised at some of the bizarre places you might have put those keys! Go back in your mind to where you last had the keys and try to retrace your actions. Did you visit the rest room anywhere? Could they have fallen out of your pocket or purse? If you have a cell phone with you, call the places you visited and see if the keys have been turned in.

When all else fails and you simply can't find the keys anywhere, remain calm. If you have a cell phone, call Bobcat Locksmith emergency Locksmith at 512-954-5025. (Store this number on your cell phone now -- you'll be glad you did.) If you don't own a cell phone, always carry enough change with you to use a pay phone, and call Bobcats Locksmith from there. We are here 24-7 to help you

Windows and Security

When it comes to defending your home against burglars, window locks are your first line of defense. A window that doesn't lock is like an invitation to burglars, and a lock that isn't easily visible sends the same message. Window locks that are easy to see are the best choice for home security.

Older homes often don't have window locks at all. They can be retrofitted with a locking version of the central catch to help make older windows more secure. For added security, a sash stop can be added. Using a steel bolt secured by a key, a sash stop ensures that an intruder cannot force the window open. Even with the sash stop installed, the window can be left open a few inches for ventilation.

Casement windows are hinged on one side and lock on the other. They usually include some sort of latch, but the best kind of lock for these windows are key locking bolts.

Louvre windows may be stylish, but the glass panels can easily be slid out of place by an intruder. To prevent this, use a two part epoxy resin to fix the glass panels into place. There is also a special louvre lock available for this type of window.

If your home has sliding windows, ensure that the panels cannot be lifted out of the frame. Most modern sliding windows come standard with a latch system, but sash stops and clamps may also be added to secure them to their frame.

Awning windows, similar to casement windows, are hinged on one side and latch on the other, but awning windows swing upward instead of outward. Special awning security locks may be added to aluminum and timber frames.

Always remember to lock your windows and keep the keys in a safe 

What to Expect From a Locksmith
The services a locksmith offers will vary depending on the individual locksmith you hire. However, you can generally expect a locksmith to give you expert advice and excellent services provided you have hired a qualified locksmith. Consider some of the basic services offered by a typical locksmith.

Auto locksmiths specialize in providing you’re with 
emergency locksmith services when you lock your keys in your car. However, they can also help when you lose your keys or break a key in your ignition. These locksmiths have the tools necessary to help with any car lock related problems. These locksmiths can also provide you with key replacements for your vehicle ignition or doors.

Then there are emergency locksmiths who provide the same type of services as an auto locksmith, but can also assist with home and business needs. If you are locked out of your homes then these individuals have the tools necessary to help you gain access to your home. These locksmiths also offer the service of repairing broken locks. As an emergency locksmith, they can be called upon for fast service and immediate response whenever you need them.

Lastly, there are residential and commercial locksmiths. These individuals are focused on installing residential and commercial locks. These locksmiths have the knowledge of the best available locks and can help you find the most suitable lock for your home or business needs. They also offer installation, repair, change and upgrade services to meet any of your residential or commercial lock needs.  These are the locksmiths that most individuals call when they need assistance during regular business hours.

Contributor: Bobcat Locksmith


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